P: 0220 759 629

Want faster results on MOJs?

At LD Recruit we understand the importance of speed, visibility and risk management.  Have you ever been in the situation that you’ve found your person and had to wait till after they started before you got your criminal background check back?  Had a surprise?  Would it have potentially changed your hiring decision?

Why not take the guesswork out of it and use our unbundled service.  LD Recruit can do all of your Ministry of Justice Checks for you, be it 1 check to 100 checks.  We have the portal available to have this turned around in 5 working days*.  Minimise your employment risk and have your checks completed promptly.

LD Recruit offers a range of recruitment and selection services. For further information about how LD Recruit could partner you give us a call on 0220 759 629.

*MOJ checks take 5 working days utilising the Gold Service portal through LD Recruit’s paid service provider.  This is provided the form has been completed correctly and the ID signatures matches.